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Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Do you feel a hunger and thirst for a move of God? Do you want the Holy Spirit to move in your life like never before? You are not alone. Just like yourself, individuals from around the world are experiencing a spiritual hunger. They are longing for an experience that can only be described as a supernatural divine encounter with God. They are coming from all walks of life; the mother with children, the person in business and/or politics, the student, the seeker or believer and the list goes on, are longing for a supernatural encounter with God. This 21-day guided journal will help any individual experience that encounter. It is a spiritual treasure map that will help you grow spiritually as a believer, seeker, or a person who would like to experience a divine encounter with God. How can we experience that encounter? It is simple but not talked about much. It is by practicing spiritual disciplines. This book will guide you through practical spiritual disciplines that are designed to help any believer experience a move of God in their life. Take your time and go through each day of the 21-day guided journal. You may even have to spend more than 1 day practicing and meditating on each spiritual discipline. At the end of this spiritual journey, you will find a treasure more precious than gold. Prepare for a life changing experience.

Daniel Fast